Research log updates:... (click Research Log for details)
[Sept. 7, 2024] - Updated the GEMESYS AI projections for our main holding (see below)
[Sept. 6, 2024] - Robots Waving Arms
[Sept. 5, 2024] - Blue Skies
[Sept. 4, 2024] - Rover-Packs?
[Aug. 29, 2024] - Risk is Real
[Aug. 28, 2024] - Sheena is a Punk Rocker
[Aug. 23-24, 2024] - DDG versus Google, How Canada Got Born, Free Trade
[Aug. 22, 2024] - Long or Wrong...
[Aug. 21, 2024] - The Real War of the Coloured Swans
[Aug. 20, 2024] - Rather Hope I'm Wrong...
[Aug. 18, 2024] - The Plan for the Destruction of America?
[Aug. 17, 2024] - Worst Case Degenerate Economcy
[Aug. 16, 2024] - Debt Growth and De-coupling
[Aug. 12, 2024] - Insanity?
[Aug. 7, 2024] - Astronomy
[Aug. 6, 2024] - Markets Fibrillate. October Re-Pricing Expected. War-costs coming.
[Aug. 5, 2024] - Madness of Crowds Accelerates
[Aug. 1st, 2024] - A Very Good Speech
[July 30, 2024] - Overvaluation & The Best Trade Ever
[July 27, 2024] - Wheeee!
[July 25, 2024] - October Surprise?
[July 24, 2024] - Everything's Turning to Shit.
[July 23, 2024] - The Kamala Malady of Malfunctioning Malinvestments
[July 22, 2024] - The Essence of Science
[Update: 16:09 July 21, 2024] Just heard Biden dropped out. Our forecast was off by one day.
[July 21, 2024] - Hey Joe! Where You Going With That Ballot-box in Your Hand?
[July 19, 2024] - Sad Idiots at Crowdstrike Manage to Strike the Whole World, in Mass-Stupidity Deployment
[July 18, 2024] - "Tomorrow Belongs to Me!" (says the Maker-Kid with a Lathe, a Circuit-Board, and a Soldering Iron... )
[July 13, 2024] - Trump shot at rally in Butler Pennsylvania. Stood up, with blood on face and neck. Raised his fist.
[July 11-12, 2024 update:] AI projections negative, but trumped by mild inflation print.

The "Research Log" button has - the research log! You can follow our Perilous Experiments.

With the research log, and our videos, You can follow our Perilous Experiments! Remember: "Vita Brevis, Ars Longa, Ocassio Praeceps, Experimentum Periculosum & Iudicium Difficile." (Trans: Life is short, Mastering the Art takes a Long Time, Opportunity is Fleeting and Falls Away Easily, Experimentation is Dangerous, and Judgement is Difficult.)

Page down to page-bottom, to see our forecasts from our AI, for one of our main holdings. The AI works better than the humans, which is why AI is so popular. Humans are bad investors. They sell at the lows, and buy at the tops. The AI-driven model can do the opposite, since it has no emotions. Simple as that, it is. [Update: New Projection as of March 19st, 2024 - page down to view]

(Note: If you are running an OLD browser, and this button does not work, you can view our Research Log page by clicking on: )

More changes. This is our custom-built Python/NumPy based backpropagating neural-network, fabricated using the matrix-math features of Python (works in both 2.7 and 3.x versions), and here shows now a 5000-epoch training run, with completely different dataset. Graphics show messy training that climbs with poro-poro (raining-down) drop-falls. Although the model trains in a messy way, sliding far off the optimum curve, it holds, and trains effectively. We can now get 80% accuracy, using an economically restricted network, and retraining batchs allow overall accuracy to track around 70%, which is good. And we can replicate the results - it is not just due to fortunate initial random weight assignments. (Click image to expand, ESC to exit (or click a hidden X at top right corner of image to close it)).

Everything Going to the Dogs...

I find that the more I have to interact with folks in cities, obnoxious Agency-actors on the internet, curious Government officials and dishonest big-tech corporate entities, the more I enjoy the company of dogs. Dogs that have been raised in a loving home have an honest beauty that is fine and refreshing. Even dogs that have had hard lives, can be saved and helped. Be good to your dogs. They have real integrity within their honest souls. Rescue a dog if you can. Dogs are good.

[ Picture of Lily ... ]

Here is a picture of me and Lily, the Big Dog who is just a fine girl. She is so pretty! She belongs to a friend and his partner, Linda, who have the big House of Perfect Beauty, in the most lovely part of God's Country. Lily likes me, and I like her. But she is quite big for the lap. :)

(Click on image to expand it, and ESC to exit expanded image.)

Full Disclosure: We STILL remain long and all-in on our bank stocks, telecoms and the mining shares also. Holding onto the Bank shares, has proved to be a less-than-optimal choice. Their performance this year, has been pretty awful. We expected them to recover, they did, and then now have turned down hard. We are still holding. (or "hodling" as Mr. Musk might say..) And now in September, they have turned back up hard, as the interested rates are being dialed down. Bank shares perform kinda like infinite duration bonds - very, very sensitive to expected interest-rate tableau. Curious times, with war, economic uncertainty, bad leaders, and magical technology.

Click on the Research log-entry button for more notes on our "Dismal-Science" view of things.

GEMESYS Ltd. Research & Consulting: We Live in Truth, Offer Enlightenment and if your projects and plans are in trouble, we can help you Change the Program!. Make new choices while you still have freedom of action. Do not wait until your option sets collapse into terminal singularities. Act while you still can.

GEMESYS Ltd Research - *Fiat Lux*


[Sept 7, 2024 - Update] This equity in question that we track with our AI, has turned seriously positive, driven by expectations of lower interest rates, and sustained bank profits, despite increases in provisions for possible credit losses.

This is not to be considered an exercise in investment advice. Make your own decisions, please.

Full Disclosure: We remain long, all-in, on Canadian bank equities. We view that they represent sustainable value, and their long history of responsible dividend payouts, makes them attractive for investors seeking yield, and growth-at-moderate-levels-of-risk. This is a difficult combo to locate. They are also reasonably diversified, and typically have effective risk-management operations, and meet or exceed bank capital requirements. This is a key point. Their internal operational procedures simply would not allow a stupid and toxically dangerous situation like what happened to Silicon Valley Bank, for example, do develop.

At least this is what they report, and our own direct investigations so far seems to confirm this truth. They risk-manage reasonably well, and have been paying roughly 40% to 50% of their earnings out as dividends for a long time, so for low-to-mid-risk investors, they are pretty much the best local game in town, if one wants to avoid currency risk. We are also (not so secretly) concerned that the USA is becoming seriously crazy, neo-racist ("Whites of Earth Now!!!" ala Cowboy Junkies first album), and DEI efforts in many companies provides solid evidence of a hard-core clinical-level of insanity. The drivers of this accelerating madness, is unclear. Perhaps it was the Covid-19 virus, and/or the mass vaccine efforts? We do not know.

And yet in history, one sees these periods of collective insanity. It's actually pretty common. The "Cultural Revolution" in China is a good example (again, we did direct research and know of what we speak when we say it was pure insanity), and also the "French Revolution", where a similar madness took control of an entire nation, and mass-murder became a political and cultural project. The rise of European fascism in the 1930's, all across Europe (not just Germany), is another example, as is the rise of the economic and totalitarian madness that was Marxist Communism. (England was not immune. The rise of Oliver Cromwell, the rabid-moralistic "Pikers", the execution of King Charles the First, and the English civil war that induced the initial colonization efforts to America, appears to be another example.)

Entire nations can quite literally go crazy. Civilization is a thin coating of bright social-paint, upon a raging level of latent dark-violence that always seems to exist, just below the surface. And banking, is right up there with whoring, as one of the oldest and most successfully sustainable professions, as long as proper risk-management is maintained. One has to own banks to survive the "battle for investment survival", as Gerald Loeb called it. He understood risk better than most.

(Click on any Image to expand it, ESC to exit image-expansion.)

[Sept 7, 2024 - Update] This equity in question that we track with our AI, has turned seriously positive, driven by expectations of lower interest rates, and sustained bank profits, despite increases in provisions for possible credit losses.

This projection, automatically driven by our AI model, is typically at a higher-frequency, but in this case, it matches our other, more smoothed, projection. We find when both models agree, the projection seems to have a higher probability of playing out as indicated.

Full Disclosure: We still remain long and effectively "All-In" on our bank stocks, as dividends are being paid, earnings are reasonable, and operational risks appear to be *MORE* than adequately managed and reserved for.

This information is not "Security or Trading Advice". It is simply an honest reporting of our research efforts.
(Click on image to expand it, and ESC to exit expanded image.)

The difficulty of seeing the forest, for the trees, always remains... The field beyond the forest, yields. But the forest is an attractive nest of chaotic action, held in a fine ecological-orbital balance by the forces of destruction, and re-birth. If you look closely, a small maple tree, with yellow-orange leaves, which are being shed for winter, is visible in the lower-right of this image. In time, if left to nature, these trees with leaves, which are shed in Autumn, and re-created in the Spring, will replace and displace this grove of spruce-trees. But if I keep the deciduous trees cut back, and work to protect the spruce, I can keep this grove intact, and it will grow, and I can enjoy the green spruce branches in deep, cold winter.

Nature is *not* to be left to operate randomly. Our job is to manage and manipulate it, and encourage the natural outcome we wish to have take place. Left to it's own, nature simply kills everything. Humans need to understand this basic biological truth. Our job is to make nature serve us. We must not become confused, and invert this key requirement.